The Cup is Half Full

P1010856Progress on my F-94 and Su-34 have been nothing short of satisfactory. To some, I might not be that far along. Considering my work schedule lately, I feel accomplished with where I am. Trading sleep here and there for quality build time, I have effectively given myself a comfortable start.
I took a little extra time with the cockpits adding seat belts and putting some additional detail on the instrument panels. With most of the minor work finished (ordinance, landing gear, exhaust cans), I directed my focus on the planes themselves. The fuselage halves went together quite nicely on both kits with little need for filler. One round of sanding the seams and some filler has been completed. Tonight, I will do more sanding and shoot a coat of primer on them. I’m betting on a little more filling and sanding on the Starfire, but the Flanker should be good to proceed. Fortunately, these two kits have not decided to fight me and are going together like one would expect. With a little more time and effort, I should have these two kits ready for final paint.

30 thoughts on “The Cup is Half Full

  1. A very interesting blog.It`s many years since i made any flying models but I was very interested in radio control.It seems to be a lesser known hobby nowadays as most youngsters would rather fly on a computer screen. As a youngster we would spend most of the day flying our latest creations in a field somewhere quiet and have a feeling of accomplishment.It`s great to see that some people still make things that give them enjoyment.


    • I agree that it is a suffering hobby. My four year old son is starting to get the itch and I hope he keeps it through his teenage years unlike me. Fortunately, I started back again. Thanks for checking out my blog.


  2. It is nice to see model airplanes are not dead. Your blog brings back memories of a time when my brother had models back when we were kids. Great work! Thanks for liking my post yesterday. Sally


  3. F-94 . . . man does THAT bring back memories of when I was a kid. On a similar note, there’s the remnants of an F-89 Scorpion out by the ARFF (Airport Rescue Fire Fighting) Station at El Paso International Airport. It’s used for rescue practice, but it’s down to almost nothing after years of having holes punched into it.


  4. Awesome hobby! I bet there are a ton of cool airplanes placed strategically throughout the house. Nice post!


  5. I am one of those people who has to try just about every hobby/craft out there. I have never tried building a mini plane, but your blog has inspired me to try. It looks so cool! Thank you for peeking in on my blog today.


  6. thanks for liking my photos. i used to try and help my son with models when he was young. I was lousy at it…’s a great hobby


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