
For the third and final installment of my triple build, I present the A-10A Thunderbolt II. I never tire of building this plane and there are a few more versions I still need to construct. This one, however, has been on my to do list for quite a while. The J.A.W.S. scheme was an intimidating paint scheme to attempt. There are a couple different schemes within the scheme. I chose to go with Light Ghost Gray as the base color with Military Brown, Olive Drab, and Dark Green for the spotted camouflage. As I did my research, I noticed the sloppiness of the application. In that regard, I decided to put my airbrush aside and paint all the camouflage by brush. It was a little difficult to let go and not have a smooth looking paint job. I think the end result came out great, though.
I used Hasegawa’s “Osan” kit for this build and it went together like a Hasegawa kit should. I had a minor fitting issue with the engine nacelles but nothing huge. Once again in my builds, I find the pattern of inadequate cockpit detail. Maybe it’s just my scale. Luckily I had an Eduard photo-etch set to use.
As for the ordinance, I went a little off track and loaded it up. All the pictures I have seen usually have maybe two Maverick missiles. I just can’t see building an A-10 without loading it to the gills with ordinance. I let my imagination take over from reality this time. All in all, I’m satisfied with this build. Three at once was a little much, but who am I to complain about too much building?




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